Finding Joy

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#2 Queen’s Crepe Myrtle ~ Lagerstroemia speciosa

Everywhere else in the world this tree with popsicle-like mauve, lavender, lilac, pink, shades of purple & pink flowers is called Queen’s Crepe Myrtle or simply Crepe Myrtle. It gets its widely known name from the crepe paper-like crinkly texture of the flowers. 

I read somewhere that this tree’s flowers are red during the day and purple at night. Walking around EGL in bright daylight today - in the 3 pm sun - I saw these trees swaying in all their purpleific glory. Whatever they were doing at night, they’re now during it bright daylight. (You’ve been warned.)

Oh, another thing. We in India call it the Pride of India and the Postal Department even issued a stamp in its honor in 1993. Indonesia however does a better job with the visualization. So pretty, no?