Finding Joy

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Jason Bakery
What is life without Bacon Croissants?

I’d just had a good cappuccino at Bean There. I’d heard so much about Jason Bakery and their bacon croissants. Google Maps told me Jason Bakery was just up the street from Bean There so I did what all touristy people in a new city should do - walked the extra mile to the place the locals love so much.

Jason’s just has a counter that opens up into the street and under the awning sit serious looking young people and old people drinking coffee, mulling over their Blackberrys. On the right is an enclosure where there are more such people, all suited and booted and ‘tie’d up. 

I almost tripped over myself while running-sprinting-walking really REALLY fast to the place because, y'know, I don’t want to be the person who went to Cape Town and didn’t eat a bacon croissant at Jason’s. All because the yuppier crowd got there before me. 

Yes, competitive. For food.

The bacon croissant was all crispy salty lardness ensconced in layers, equal parts flaky and satiny, of buttery goodness. Just look at that croissant, will you? 

I was tempted to try the muffins but I managed to keep my generally carbs addled brain in control and walked away with only a coffee. Which was good. So good. 

That’s when I learned they serve Delux Coffee and I knew my Coffee Trail Adventure would never be the same again.

I didn’t go back to Bean There because I found Jason’s coffee stronger, better, less milkier. I didn’t go back to Jason because the lady at the counter was not very nice. (Y U NO be nice and be so patronizing at 8 in the morning, lady?)

The baristas posed and that kind-of made me a little happier but I still didn’t go back. One bacon croissant is enough butter and lard for a week. Also one patronizing lady per week only, please. 


Jason Bakery
185 Bree Street