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The 'Good Guy' Myth Explained

It’s 2012 and you’d think that everyone has figured out FriendZone and Good Guys and all that nonsense.

From Taylor Callobre’s The “Good Guy” Myth here:

“But most of all, stop thinking that what people so loathingly refer to as the “friendzone” is some sort of purgatory women put “nice guys” into.  My friendship is not a crappy consolation prize that you’re left with if I deny you a sexual relationship– and my body is not your reward for good behavior.  Thinking that simply being a “good guy,” whatever that may mean, entitles you to unlimited sex with the girl of your choice shows that you don’t truly believe women should be in control of, and have full ownership of, our own bodies; instead, it shows you think we should use them like doggy treats whenever you do the human equivalent of a jumping trick.  If you treat us as humans, that’s fantastic, but we do not owe you for it.

One of the worst outcomes of the “but I’m a good guy” phenomenon is that it overshadows the many, many men who don’t think this way and instead realize that if we don’t want to go out with them, that’s our choice and we most likely have a good reason for it, even if we don’t feel like sharing what that reason is.  The word “friendzone” has crept into the vocabularies of even the most respectful, enlightened men, and I think it’s time we push back.  Why not call it something more poetic and accurate, like “unrequited love” or “unreturned affection?”  If you do, you’ll know that at least your grasp of the English language is better than that of the “New Found Asshole” who aired his thoughts so brutishly on Facebook.

Also learn to gracefully deal with a rejection without putting your asshole tendencies on display on every social media platform you can find.